Maaaaaaaaaan listen,
If she really truly cares about yall relationship, she would agree to cut off all ties with him and
yall do research and find a new church..
but Im gonna be honest with you, the pastor already has her by her emotional balls, or she wouldnt be writing back
dont take this personal but dude has waaaaaaaay more game than you do... you have two ways of dealing with this..
A- have a sitdown and be honest say I feel something is going on and I dont know what it is, and if you really value US
you would be open and not hide things from me.. talk in a low soothing tone, if you are in an upset or angry mood wait
untill you can calm down, drink some chamomille or st johns wort tea... before hand trust me it will help you to think
before you start throwing shit and wanting to smack a bitch..
B- Just let whatever happens happen, but in the mean time you explore your options and have a plan b in case
she makes that move to relieve her emotional stress, then you can just move on with your plan b.
Once a dude gets through a chicks emotional door, its only a matter of time before he gets through them sexual doors..
Dont try to out play him, he is light years ahead of you...
If you ask me, your relationship needs work, there is something missing and she is going to find it in another dude...
either you try to fill that emotional void or physical void, or move on...
Most dudes think they are ready for relationships but they really arent.... you have to be mentally, physically, sexually, financially
and emotionally on top of your game... to keep that honeymoon vibe !!!
and dont fret, whatever the outcome is, it will only make you a stronger and wiser person.. if you aint a weak ass bitch!!
dont be a cinnamon apple yearnin ass nigga!!!