Exactly. Jemele in particular needs to stfu. She sounds ridiculous.
Welvin still dont get it. Talking about the leak just as much as hes "accepting fault".
Preach brother.
It was def a sucka punch.. Even if we only counting it ass a sucka ass move by a sucka ass nigga. Walking down a cat you got 5 inches and 50 pounds on (who clearly wants no smoke), invading his space, and firing off on him with bad intentions is ho shit.
Pay wall famo..
It wasnt a sucker punch. You are arguing with someone, said person walks up on you and you push the person back. That is the start of the fight for most. A sucker punch or surprise attack is when the opponent had no reason to believe he'd be hit or the person didn't see it coming due to their back being turned. Dreymond didn't walk up to Poole ask him for pointers on how to improve his game and then hit him out of nowhere. Nor did he run from across the court as Poole was taking a shot with his back turned. Being a sucka move is a different issue than it being a sucker punch.
At best, Poole didn't want to fight but didn't want to look like a complete bitch and assumed others would intervene before Dreymond could get to him. Poole felt safe because he was at work and thought he was special. Truthfully, his behavior was on the bitch side if the story we are hearing is true. He was talking shit because he felt he would not be harmed at work and potentially the team management would protect him or hurt others for him.If he is the rising star and favored by management, then he attempted to use his position to get a way with talking shit.
Based off the alleged attitude of Poole and what was going on days before, Poole runs his mouth and in all likelihood there has never been any consequences for his actions growing up. As a boy growing into a man, one of the first things you learn is to watch your mouth unless you are prepared to defend yourself. Words aside Poole did push him back which also was not smart if you are not trying to fight. Any physical contact is likely to lead to a fight. He would have been better off just backing up and walking away or apologizing to calm shit down. In essence, by talking shit Poole indirectly said he wanted the smoke. You can call it childish, say you shouldn't let words hurt you, men shouldn't be emotional, you should act professionally etc but that doesn't change the facts of human behavior and how some people will react to your actions or words. Right or wrong there are consequences for your actions and as long as you're willing to except that do what you please.
Some of you keep mentioning they are teammates. Given that family members and friends fight, I'm not understanding why that is being mentioned. Also, teammates get into fights. They don't even seem to be cool so if you believe Poole was running his mouth that was more of a mistake on his part. You joke around with people you are cool with. Even then most of us know when we are taking it to far and need to stop or the shit that you don't joke about at all. That being said grace is given to friends and family normally and fights still may break out. Even amongst Friends and family, there may be a person that everyone knows is not with the jokes and will be ready to fight.
As I read comments here and I think back to talking with some individuals in the past I come to realize that alot of people have never been in a fight and they probably never seen many happen. Normally there is no verbal consent that you accept the challenge. No one indicates the fight is about to start or when it is over in an official manner. Size typically doesn't matter once it reaches a certain point and let's be real most people only want to fight a weaker or seemingly weaker opponents. People aren't fighting to test their abilities or improve their fighting skills like in video games, books, TV shows or movies. I've talked to more women who have been in physical fights than men.
Where I'm from a fair one just means no one will jump into the fight to assist, you wont get stomped out by multiple people while you are on the ground and hopefully weapons will not be used. Street fights are not boxing matches.There are no weight classes or amount of experience fighting taken into account in a street fight. There isn't a ref there to step in or observe what rules are being broken. You are not fighting for sport so your life is in danger, so honestly there are no rules or code of conduct. If you treat a street fight like some honorable dual or fighting sport event, you are likely to get yourself hurt if not killed.