Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer


Transnational Member
Got on an airplane from Chicago and flew 1000 miles with a medical emergency to get treated at an HBCU hospital. OJ goes to Las Vegas General Hospital and comes out in a body bag.

Some of you want to live in this fantasy world instead of facing reality. Normally, I am attacked in threads like this. They violently argue with me and I have to accept their fate which is death. When you have your head on a swivel being cautious like Farrakhan, your outcome is much better than OJ living in a fantasy world of white women.

Many of them flood Caitlin Clark threads, talk about MLK, Biden will protect us from white terrorism, more white women, getting upset about being mistreated in a white neighborhood. These people are completely lost and there is nothing you can do to help them.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just now seeing this and well, I obviously don't expect him to come back on here right after surgery and let us know how it went. But wanted to add my own well wishes for a speedy recovery. Praying GODs' protection over you. and that the surgeons will be at the top of their game with you! That sickness and disease holds no ground on you.


Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
Praying that you beat this and get better

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
My old boss had his prostate removed
Let me just warn you of side effects that they didn't tell him
When you have it removed there's a 50/50 chance you will not get another erection (he can still have one)
After he had it removed the "valve" that controls urine failed. He had to get a battery operated valve
inserted inside him with a remote to to press when it is time to piss.
You will probably have to wear a diaper for weeks after surgery till everything heals

GL, wishing you the best outcome


Rising Star
OG Investor
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
stay tough brother. You will be in my prayers. it shall be well. Alhamdulillah


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
I went through this with someone and I wish you the best. It was not easy, but please do what the Dr says after surgery. I can make a world of difference.

May I ask how old are you?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
Will definitely keep you in my thoughts brother and hope the surgery went well. Appreciate you sharing.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
Bruh, God is with you. Keep you head up and keep it moving. All is well with you. Keep positive.


BGOL Investor
Good morning everyone.
I would like to thank everyone for their support.
Surgery was a success!!
The surgery was 3 hours longer than expected. Total of 8 hours.
Right now I'm very sore but tolerating it.
I have a great nurses who are looking out for me.
Two brothers actually.
As far a the surgery, doctors were able to save the nerves that gives erections.
No other cancer was detected.
Later today they want me to try sitting up and even walking.
I'll keep y'all posted
Again thanks to everyone for their support and prayers.
God bless all of y'all.


wannabe star
BGOL Investor
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!


wannabe star
BGOL Investor
All the best to you!!! I had my robotic assisted radical prostatectomy back in 2013. My PSA went down to 0.01 after the surgery. Over the years, my PSA has gone up a bit (it is now 0.04) and I visit the urologist on a regular basis to keep watch on my PSA. The other issue I had was not regaining urinary continence after my prostate was removed. I finally opted to have an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implanted in January 2024. The AUS made a huge difference! I should have had that surgery much sooner.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Black men who served in the military are also twice as likely to get prostate cancer.
So if you are a veteran, who goes to the VA for medical treatment, please have your PSA check.
You can also file a disability claim for it.
Thank you for this info! Because I have cancer in my family, I started having my screenings early (I'm 42) but I've been using my pcp. Will definitely keep this in mind.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad all went well my guy.
Hope you breeze through everything safely and can get back to some sense or normalcy.

Good morning everyone.
I would like to thank everyone for their support.
Surgery was a success!!
The surgery was 3 hours longer than expected. Total of 8 hours.
Right now I'm very sore but tolerating it.
I have a great nurses who are looking out for me.
Two brothers actually.
As far a the surgery, doctors were able to save the nerves that gives erections.
No other cancer was detected.
Later today they want me to try sitting up and even walking.
I'll keep y'all posted
Again thanks to everyone for their support and prayers.
God bless all of y'all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Diagnosed with prostate cancer April 2024 and having surgery on July 1.
The surgery will be a RALP (Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy)
Complete removal of the prostate.
As black men, this can be a touchy subject.
Fortunately, we can hide behind our screen names to discuss.
A few of my family members know about it, but for the most part, I have been dealing with it with the wife and kids.
My PSA was a 12.4 (below 4 is normal)
If anyone, has questions, I will try to answer them the best I can.
Keep a brother in y'all thoughts!!
Hope all went well fam.