Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
So now you are minimizing that you lied about your whole life on a porn board of men for 15 years. What was the point? You could have enjoyed posts and participated without lyin about your wife, her profession, who you know, and where you are from. You made up a whole new life and pretended for over a decade for what reason? You talk a lot of shit on here, but you are a bitch ass nigga in real life. This porn board provides a fantasy life where you can lie about your life and then go on these insulting tantrums and receive chuckles instead of getting your ass beat.

You made up a whole new life to front for a porn board full of dudes and try to make me out to be the weird one for exposing you for it.

Lmbaooo says the 60 year old coon that pretends he’s some Oakland street guy that lied that he wasn’t a firefighter for 30 years then said oh wait I’m not one anymore so I didn’t lie. You’re right you’re not 50 you’re over 60 but somehow you think you’re tapped In on some street shit Lmfao . You’re old, retired and collect a pension and worship a racist white immigrant all while sucking republican white nationalist dick.

It’s easy to call me a pussy online but I would beat the shit out your old ass. Problem is that’s elder abuse. I don’t fight niggas over 50. So save the tough talk bitchboy .


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Lmbaooo says the 60 year old coon that pretends he’s some Oakland street guy that lied that he wasn’t a firefighter for 30 years then said oh wait I’m not one anymore so I didn’t lie. You’re right you’re not 50 you’re over 60 but somehow you think you’re tapped In on some street shit Lmfao . You’re old, retired and collect a pension and worship a racist white immigrant all while sucking republican white nationalist dick.

It’s easy to call me a pussy online but I would beat the shit out your old ass. Problem is that’s elder abuse. I don’t fight niggas over 50. So save the tough talk bitchboy .
All false.

Now for the Facts:
-I’m not 50 or 60 and never said I was either.
-I wasn’t a Firefighter for 30 years and never said I was either.
-I don’t worship a racist white immigrant or suck Republican white nationalist dick.
-You lied about your wife and her profession for over 15 years.
-You lied about your profession for 15 years.
-You lied about making beats with EA Ski
-Earlier this month, you threw a tantrum because you received a temporary ban for posting videos of a homosexual talking about peanut butter getting eaten out of his ass. You complained that it wasn’t fair because other posters posted gay prison stuff too.
-You have been on this porn board lyin about your life since 2008.

All of the above is the Truth. You are a weird Mfer in real life. You ain’t beating anybody’s ass. Your rants are funny, but all of the facts about your real life point to a bitch ass nigga lyin to kick it on a porn board full of men. You have been on here lyin since 2008.

I'm a MD but my specialty is Psychiatry. I'm not a Family Practice Physician I'm not a fucking surgeon. Jesus christ. Why do you think all MD's are the same? There's over 30 Specialties MD's can choose. Read a book.

200-220k per year for Psychiatry starting out. As a resident we make around 35 grand per year:smh::smh::smh:. It sucks but you manage because you live in a cheap apt. With roommates.

I am a Psychiatrist. I did one year of Internal Medicine Residency before switching over to Psychiatry.

M.D. from UCSF School Of Medicine, Psychiatry Residency done at MLK King Drew in LA. Did a 2 year Fellow in Forensic Psychiatry at UCLA Harbor.

Ignore the doctor worshipers that think it's like seeing an alien to obtain an M.D or D.O. It takes 4 years to get a medical degree, in order to practice you need to do a residency in one of the specialties. I chose psychiatry, which is a 4 year residency not including an internship which usually is in internal medicne. You can see patients your 2nd year in med school under a practicing physicians supervision, usually in low income settings or jails but you can't prescribe. You need a dea license. I did a fellowship in forensics which was an additional year. My loans were around 250k but you get paid during residency, only around 47k though but it's something.

What specialty are you talking about? For family or internal medicine private practice is not the way to go anymore. It's getting hard to break into a practice. My pcp friends are doing hospitalist work now. Private practice does not pay anymore with the insurance and overhead costs. Better to get some specialized training and become a hospitalist. Also more physicians are going into specialties like surgery or psychiatry as primary care will eventually be taken over by nurse practitioners..

More satisfying than doing the whole physically sick patient rounds. I practiced as an internist during internship for 1 year at drew and that was enough. When I did the psych rounds I knew this was it, surgery rounds not my thing, obgyn, no thanks they stick you with rape victims, too much, pcp too repetitive. Psychiatry is ever evolving and we can treat both mentally and physically. Some of The most physically Ill people have severe psych disorders.

And i will say just one more thing, nigga you found a medicle license, books, and constantly spoke on rounds or your "job" that's a bit much for someone fucking around. For someone to go out and find a license blur it out and post it, then go out and find multiple books on psychiatry to post. Mean while keep in mind these types of books are not exactly laying around at your local Barnes and nobel, so that means you literally were out searching high and low for these shits, other niggas who fuck around on don't go that far nigga. This sounds more like the desperate acts of someone not happy with their reality

My specialty is Psychiatry however I do have 4 years of formal medical training as a Physician as all Psychiatrists do since we are Physicians who specialize in the mind/body. Anyways…… what I think is…….it’s not normal however he could have Prinzmetal's angina restricting blood flow to the heart via plaque caused by smoking or other issues such as bad diet and being overweight with lack of exercise. Wouldn’t know until an autopsy is performed and we can read the pathology report. Personally I’d order an excisional biopsy of the entire heart and examine chambers.

What kind of weird Mfer goes into this amount of detail to lie? You also posted books and a fake license then admitted they were fake years later.

I came on BGOL for the porn, then the music, and stay for the convos and entertainment. You created a whole fantasy life of a tough talking psychiatrist from New Jersey, with an Asian wife, who makes beats for Oakland rappers.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You clearly know what is being asked and you've responded. Like i stated before, if your concern were making money and the long term success of Tesla, the answer would be simple. Tesla was built off the backs of the community. It was the community doing free marketing for Tesla. It was the community who bought multiple models like they were toys. It was the community that had meet ups and races with other vehicles. It was the community who bought a roster ( done to keep Tesla a float until the model 3 could save the company) that has yet to be delivered and autonomous driving that is going to be completed every year. If Elon were gone tomorrow, Tesla would do just fine. You don't support Tesla. You sadly support Elon.

Elon's behavior is clearly impacting the company, so you trying to downplay it to being unemotional about your investment doesn't add up. Unless you support his behavior. Which end of the day is your business. However, you can't deny the loss of profits regardless of if you believe them to be short or long-term damage. You can't deny the rush to trade in cars likely at more of a lose than normal.The brand is damaged and isn't likely to win back people like myself who choose other options. It wasn't just the technology people were buying but the brand for alot of people.

You also can't claim to want to look out for your brother's while supporting someone who is indirectly doing your brother's harm. Tesla or Rivian for that matter aren't the only public traded companies. You are simply doing your part to protect your investment. Understandable, but we are different. Money doesn't move me. I'm privileged to have made money from investments so I don't have to accept behavior that are against my morals ( the little that i have), but are also seemingly impacting my investments which is allegedly your focus. You are coming off as desperate to make a buck. That buck doesn't stretch far enough for your brother who loses his job because Elon is plotting to get more contracts at their expense. It doesn't do your brother's any good to have a few shares when a man supports racist ideals that others supports and fires you brother because you couldn't have earned your position. If you want to help your brother's, there is an entire thread with people giving investment opportunities here beyond Tesla. Take the knowledge you've learned and find another winner to share with your brothers.
DO you care about capitalism and it's effects as a whole or this crusade only applies to Elon? If you invest as you have stated in other companies, do you think those ceo's are not racist or doing "your brothers harm"?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
All false.

Now for the Facts:
-I’m not 50 or 60 and never said I was either.
-I wasn’t a Firefighter for 30 years and never said I was either.
-I don’t worship a racist white immigrant or suck Republican white nationalist dick.
Here goes the liar . Post from 2008, you said 7 years at that time do the math you fucking weirdo bozo coon

Firefighter here for 7 years in a large Dept in the Bay Area of California.Im active in our Black Firefighters Association and ive mentored and assisted quite a few people with getting careers.That said,lemme ask you a few questions and please answer HONESTLY.

1-Why do you want to be a firefighter?
2-What are pros/cons (to you) in being a firefighter?
3-What areas of the US are you willing to work/live?

Ask HNIC why I did that faggot. Anything I did is for entertainment purposes. You on the other hand are an inbred coon that defends racists and asks other Black people to prove a white Afrikaner is racist . You sure you even Black? You’re the lowest of the low scum

It appears that employees that have been productive don’t have anything to worry about. Employees that can’t come up with a list of accomplishments to justify their pay certainly should be concerned. The mass majority of those effected will be CACs btw…

Personally, I’m more concerned with Oakland and San Francisco Unified School Districts making cuts including laying off teachers, closing schools, and resources for our kids. I’m also more concerned with Oakland being over 130 million in the hole. Laying off over 100 employees, ending funding for non profits, closing Fire Stations, and crime prevention programs.

For those interested in protesting Elon in the Bay Area. Here are some pictures of the people you will be protesting with:



San Francisco:

Share the stats showing how Black folks were affected. “DEI” wasn’t directed to us and we weren’t the “primary beneficiaries” of “DEI programs”.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Now for the Facts:
-I’m not 50 or 60 and never said I was either.
-I wasn’t a Firefighter for 30 years and never said I was either.
-I don’t worship a racist white immigrant or suck Republican white nationalist dick.
-You lied about your wife and her profession for over 15 years.
-You lied about your profession for 15 years.
-You lied about making beats with EA Ski
-Earlier this month, you threw a tantrum because you received a temporary ban for posting videos of a homosexual talking about peanut butter getting eaten out of his ass. You complained that it wasn’t fair because other posters posted gay prison stuff too.

-You have been on this porn board lyin about your life since 2008.

All of the above is the Truth. You are a weird Mfer in real life. You ain’t beating anybody’s ass. Your rants are funny, but all of the facts about your real life point to a bitch ass nigga lyin to kick it on a porn board full of men. You have been on here lyin since 2008.

What kind of weird Mfer goes into this amount of detail to lie? You also posted books and a fake license then admitted they were fake years later.

I came on BGOL for the porn, then the music, and stay for the convos and entertainment. You created a whole fantasy life of a tough talking psychiatrist from New Jersey, with an Asian wife, who makes beats for Oakland rappers.
Typical @Dr. Truth

None of what you posted dispute any of the above facts.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Typical @Dr. Truth

None of what you posted dispute any of the above facts.
You one of those goofy niggas that says “I’m not 50 I’m 52, I’m not a fire fighter , I was a fire fighter for 30 years but now I sit online and coon on porn boards”

I’m the one calling you that age you idiot. You’re on here pretending to be some young in the streets nigga when you’re a retired senior citizen.

Ok fine You want a range and general talk? Ok here you go, you’re 55-60 years old and are an ex fire fighter that is now a full time coon. Is that better?

There’s a reason I never paid to be on here. Dumb ass

You think it’s a fact Elon isn’t racist and DEI doesn’t hurt Black folks. Lmbaoooooo coon of the year folks.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Again, Typical @Dr. Truth
Still lyin and deflecting. Another Fact: I am in my 40's. Just like you. Now back to your lyin ass. Why are you asking me to ask HNIC why you maintained elaborate lies on here for over 17 years? It wasn't a few lies to throw off your identity either. You maintained a whole fake life and even entered threads where brothers asked for career and education advice to give your unsolicited advice as a Doctor. The whole time lyin your ass off. Some of these quotes are from as far back as 2007 too.When you look at these quotes, it really appears that you believed your lies. You even posted a fake license and medical books that you did not own. On a porn board. Full of men. And you want me to ask HNIC why you did this for 17 years?

First of all I'm a Psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are MD's. We are medical doctors who specialize in one of the many fields. I chose to do my residency in Psychiatry. Get it? I am NOT a psychologist. I am a Psychiatrist. GET IT. good. Now Please don't talk about my language until you get your shit right. I needed to Download the Corky from life goes on idiot translator to decipher your bullshit you call speak.
I don't treat hangnails. I'm a psychiatrist, while I do know how to treat them because of my 4 year Medical education prior to residency, I did my residency in Psychiatry so that is my specialty, not internal medicine or any of the other urgent care type specialties. Off BGOL I'm a very good, California board certified physician.
Why are you so angry? Is it because everybody came in here putting you on blast? You're so busy attacking other blacks nobody can help BUT to call you a coon. Why are you obsessed with my profession? Are you jealous of me? Seems that way. Funny you try to attack my grammar when you phrased a sentence "Where did you go to school at". You do not need to put "at" at the end. That is basic English 101 you learn in 3rd grade. Dumb ass nigga. Second of all. I'll tell you all you want to know right here tom, lowercase t, because i have no respect for self haters.

MD-UCSF (Congrats to Talmaldge King Jr, MD)
Fellowship-MLK King Drew

You mad?
Why the hell would I post anything for a Fake gangmember on a porn forum. Are you serious? Son got exposed i'm not posting my personal 411 blacked out or not for a fake thug so you can just call it "Fake". I can't win in that situation anyway. But if you must know like i've said 30 thousand times. I went to FAMU for undergrad, BS in Biology. I went to Med School at UCSF and Did my Residency in Psychiatry Charles Drew Med center (LAC)
I used to do Psych Evals and Medication management over at SQSP when I was a 3rd year Psychiatry Resident. I have worked in various Prisons in the California Department of Corrections. San Quentin is actually a lower level prison. With a Death Row and Reception Center. It actually houses level 1 and 2 inmates ONLY along with Death Row. There is no SHU Level 3 or Level 4 unit at San Quentin. The most fucked up horrible prisons in the state have to be. Pelican Bay, Corcoran 1, California Correctional Institution, Salinas Valley and High Desert :smh::smh::smh: High Desert is Run by the Neo Nazi's.

This is hilarious. Really it is, some of these responses are mad funny. :lol::lol:

You can ask me anything about being a physician and I can answer it the best of my ability. I have answered damn all questions thrown at me. Keep in mind I'm a Psychiatrist. I have a general 4 year medical degree, but my specialty has to do with Psychiatry and Neurology. So if you come at me with some Nephrology or Gastroenterology questions. Of course I MIGHT get stumped. But carry on, your responses have me laughing. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Actually I am a Medical Doctor. Psychiatrists are Physicians. All Psychiatrists are Medical Doctors or DO's. Psychiatry is just one specialty like Family Practice etc.
I'm a MD but my specialty is Psychiatry. I'm not a Family Practice Physician I'm not a fucking surgeon. Jesus christ. Why do you think all MD's are the same? There's over 30 Specialties MD's can choose. Read a book.
More doctor worship from peons. For one I am a Specialist. I'm not a GP, Internist or FP Physician. I specialize in Psychiatry and Neurology. You don't know what the fuck I do in my spare time or how much time I have off or WHERE the fuck I am, or when I'm on the beach reading on alternatives to Olanzapine due to chemically induced hypothermia. If you knew anything about Physicians you'd know we have more free time than your average cooperate slave like yourself. I'm an Independent contractor you dumb whore.
We learned about this in Medical school. The Cheif Resident of my Psychiatry residency ended up going back for two years to do an Internal Medicine residency with an HIV sub-specialty. He said docs were very close to breaking ground with a cure for HIV but there was a protein in the virus that kept interfering. I wonder what he's up to now.
Sure you were. You react like a violent 5250 drop off. First generic response to you, out comes the insults like "Hack" "Fuck you" blah blah blah. LOL it's very typical. You are hurting inside, I usually can't read people who I don't meet in person, but I read pain from your words. You have some deep inner issues that you need to seek help for ASAP. The funny thing about a profession like Psychiatry is you'll be lucky to find one of us that does NOT drink. But i'm far from Miserable. I got my health, my wife, my family and a comfortable life style. I'm going to vegas next weekend for no reason. My life sucks.
Med school is hard but manageable. I'm talking about Residency, specifically 1rst year residency. You will not have time, that is when you're on call and working 80-90 hours a week. The only people you hang out with are fellow residents and patients. Who you going to fuck other than other residents and even then you'll be disturbed in the middle of scrub sex because you're paged. But forget about that, you just want to sleep for 10 mins if you can. You will not think about sex, you will not even be able to think about anything but work. I did a 1 years residency in Internal Medicine and finished up in Psychiatry. Internal Medicine is NO JOKE during PGY1. All Residents will struggle to the point of questioning why the hell did you choose to go this route, it gets easier during your 3rds and 4th year.
I am a Psychiatrist. I did one year of Internal Medicine Residency before switching over to Psychiatry.
MD or DO then a 3-4 yearResidency in Psychiatry. No Ph.D. unless you want to obtain one in something like psycho pharmacology or physiology.
Re: You clown Lady Gaga but Vanessa Del Rio is a Hermaphradite also. She has a mini p

You're right I didn't last 2 days I lasted 4 years and completed a 4 year residency in Psychiatry. You mad, and her underdeveloped penis was there long before she got out of porn. Why the fuck would she shape it like a dick? The fuck outta here.
Considering we take an MCAT to be accepted to med school, not a MSAT you're the idiot, stop thinking you're more intelligent than you are. Nothing I say is dumb, I speak nothing but the truth, AND I'm board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology. I really don't care what you believe, truth is, I'm a Physician, I'm more intelligent than you'll ever be and it eats you inside.
Yes I'm a Physician. (Psychiatrist) I don't deal with that sort of thing anymore, but during Med School and Internship we do rounds in several specialties, OBGYN, Family Med, Internal Med, General Surgery etc. Internship was done in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine so I spent 6 Months working in the ER before I did my 4 years Psychiatry residency.
How the fuck am I a troll? I've posted mad pussy, mad information, excellent debates. I've posted my DEA license, MD license, Psychiatry Board Certification and my MLK King Drew Residency Completion Certificate. Get the fuck out of here calling me a troll. I'm more like Yoda of BGOL.
M.D. from UCSF School Of Medicine, Psychiatry Residency done at MLK King Drew in LA. Did a 2 year Fellow in Forensic Psychiatry at UCLA Harbor.
Ignore the doctor worshipers that think it's like seeing an alien to obtain an M.D or D.O. It takes 4 years to get a medical degree, in order to practice you need to do a residency in one of the specialties. I chose psychiatry, which is a 4 year residency not including an internship which usually is in internal medicne. You can see patients your 2nd year in med school under a practicing physicians supervision, usually in low income settings or jails but you can't prescribe. You need a dea license. I did a fellowship in forensics which was an additional year. My loans were around 250k but you get paid during residency, only around 47k though but it's something.
More satisfying than doing the whole physically sick patient rounds. I practiced as an internist during internship for 1 year at drew and that was enough. When I did the psych rounds I knew this was it, surgery rounds not my thing, obgyn, no thanks they stick you with rape victims, too much, pcp too repetitive. Psychiatry is ever evolving and we can treat both mentally and physically. Some of The most physically Ill people have severe psych disorders.
Good info Dr. Truth,

I take my Mcat/Pcat at the end of the summer. It's med school or pharm school or hell even grad school for me.
And i will say just one more thing, nigga you found a medicle license, books, and constantly spoke on rounds or your "job" that's a bit much for someone fucking around. For someone to go out and find a license blur it out and post it, then go out and find multiple books on psychiatry to post. Mean while keep in mind these types of books are not exactly laying around at your local Barnes and nobel, so that means you literally were out searching high and low for these shits, other niggas who fuck around on don't go that far nigga. This sounds more like the desperate acts of someone not happy with their reality
You're a fucking idiot rehashing shit Lola said for props. Those who were actually here know I ended the shit during the Blunt ock. I was not exposed faggot. I was not ocked I am the one who got bored. This shit was 3 years ago and you still obsessed over it. Thats the weird shit. You select few faggots who took it so serious you cant stop bringing it up.
When my wife was in Med school she said seeing the worst in patients really put her off with the human body. Treating women and men with gastric issues and doing Ob/gyn rounds repulsed her. Its why she went into Psychiatry. I'm sure while initially a fine bitch gets them in wow mode they start remembering how much shitting a woman does and the smell of an unwashed vaginal candida overgrowth.
My specialty is Psychiatry however I do have 4 years of formal medical training as a Physician as all Psychiatrists do since we are Physicians who specialize in the mind/body. Anyways…… what I think is…….it’s not normal however he could have Prinzmetal's angina restricting blood flow to the heart via plaque caused by smoking or other issues such as bad diet and being overweight with lack of exercise. Wouldn’t know until an autopsy is performed and we can read the pathology report. Personally I’d order an excisional biopsy of the entire heart and examine chambers.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, Typical @Dr. Truth
Still lyin and deflecting. Another Fact: I am in my 40's. Just like you. Now back to your lyin ass. Why are you asking me to ask HNIC why you maintained elaborate lies on here for over 17 years? It wasn't a few lies to throw off your identity either. You maintained a whole fake life and even entered threads where brothers asked for career and education advice to give your unsolicited advice as a Doctor. The whole time lyin your ass off. Some of these quotes are from as far back as 2007 too.When you look at these quotes, it really appears that you believed your lies. You even posted a fake license and medical books that you did not own. On a porn board. Full of men. And you want me to ask HNIC why you did this for 17 years?
He's a psychopath


Rising Star
Platinum Member
DO you care about capitalism and it's effects as a whole or this crusade only applies to Elon? If you invest as you have stated in other companies, do you think those ceo's are not racist or doing "your brothers harm"?

It applies to anyone or company who openly is racist or who people who negatively influence people with power. Elon fits the bill. Last I checked, you can be a capitalist without being a racist. Papa Johns was also cut off my list because of John Schnatter. Any of the clothing companies that i learn about are cut. Again, money doesn't move me and i can live without certain products.

If there is an alternative, I'm going to go with the lesser evil.

When the next CEO uses their platform or influence to directly disrespect Black people, let me know. The CEO of Honda doesn't have the influence of the man standing next to the President of the United States.

The all CEOs are racist is a weak argument. You don't have any evidence to support your thoughts. We know Elon is racist.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It applies to anyone or company who openly is racist or who people who negatively influence people with power. Elon fits the bill. Last I checked, you can be a capitalist without being a racist. Papa Johns was also cut off my list because of John Schnatter. Any of the clothing companies that i learn about are cut. Again, money doesn't move me and i can live without certain products.

If there is an alternative, I'm going to go with the lesser evil.

When the next CEO uses their platform or influence to directly disrespect Black people, let me know. The CEO of Honda doesn't have the influence of the man standing next to the President of the United States.

The all CEOs are racist is a weak argument. You don't have any evidence to support your thoughts. We know Elon is racist.
I do have evidence...but I don't care about ceo's politics, you pretend to. How many ceo's directly donated to Trump's campaign? Are you boycotting them as well?


Rising Star
It applies to anyone or company who openly is racist or who people who negatively influence people with power. Elon fits the bill. Last I checked, you can be a capitalist without being a racist. Papa Johns was also cut off my list because of John Schnatter. Any of the clothing companies that i learn about are cut. Again, money doesn't move me and i can live without certain products.

If there is an alternative, I'm going to go with the lesser evil.

When the next CEO uses their platform or influence to directly disrespect Black people, let me know. The CEO of Honda doesn't have the influence of the man standing next to the President of the United States.

The all CEOs are racist is a weak argument. You don't have any evidence to support your thoughts. We know Elon is racist.
Your talking to the same person. Notice they both have S as the first screen name letter?