So now you are minimizing that you lied about your whole life on a porn board of men for 15 years. What was the point? You could have enjoyed posts and participated without lyin about your wife, her profession, who you know, and where you are from. You made up a whole new life and pretended for over a decade for what reason? You talk a lot of shit on here, but you are a bitch ass nigga in real life. This porn board provides a fantasy life where you can lie about your life and then go on these insulting tantrums and receive chuckles instead of getting your ass beat.
You made up a whole new life to front for a porn board full of dudes and try to make me out to be the weird one for exposing you for it.
Lmbaooo says the 60 year old coon that pretends he’s some Oakland street guy that lied that he wasn’t a firefighter for 30 years then said oh wait I’m not one anymore so I didn’t lie. You’re right you’re not 50 you’re over 60 but somehow you think you’re tapped In on some street shit Lmfao . You’re old, retired and collect a pension and worship a racist white immigrant all while sucking republican white nationalist dick.
It’s easy to call me a pussy online but I would beat the shit out your old ass. Problem is that’s elder abuse. I don’t fight niggas over 50. So save the tough talk bitchboy .